Our Community ... Your Connection.
10,300 copies total circulation, published weekly. 8,000 copies direct mailed to all homes in Blaine, Birch Bay and Semiahmoo, Washington (entire zip code 98230). 2,300 copies delivered to retail outlets from Bellingham to Point Roberts. Why Advertise in The Northern Light?
Special Sections Sharpen your focus, target your audience. Receive special 12x rate when you advertise for 12 weeks or more in any combination below: Special Sections Tax and Finance - January thru April (15 issues) Health and Wellness - January, April, September (7 issues) Active Seniors - February, June, August, October (8 issues) Car Care - March, October (4 issues) Home Beautiful - January thru November (11 issues) Garden - April (3 issues) Boat Care - April, May (2 issues) Pet Care - January, April, June, November (4 issues) Back to School - August (2 issues) Buy Local - November, December (6 issues) DEADLINES Published: Every Thursday. Ad copy due: Thursday prior to publication. Camera-ready ads due: Monday prior to publication. *Circulation Verification Council (CVC) Reader Survey **U.S. Census |